New open-source app to manage HTTP callbacks
Hello, I’m back! I know it’s been a long time.
Today, I just want to share that I am currently building a new open-source application to help you manage your callbacks. It’s like but it should be accessible without any Pro plan, so it’s always free!
It’s built with Rails 7 and would be using every build-in feature that is available in that release. Like Hotwire, Stimulus, and even the test would be written with Minitest.
It’s also would be my learning project, so I also will share any interesting things that I found when I built that application.
Here’s the demo for that application:
Here is the URL for the application, and this is for the Github repository. There is a lot that I want to add to this Application, like forwarder features, authentication for permanent URL, and all other things, so stay tuned!
That’s all for this post, thank you for reading!